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- GST/HST Break
The EasyVR Shield 2.0 is a voice recognition shield for Arduino boards integrating an EasyVR module. It includes all of the features of the EasyVR module in a shield form factor that simplifies connection to the Arduino main board and PC.
EasyVR 2.0 is a multi-purpose speech recognition module designed to add versatile, robust and cost effective speech and voice recognition capabilities to virtually any application. EasyVR is the third generation version of the successful VRbot module and builds on the features and functionality of its predecessor. In addition to the EasyVR 2.0 features like 28 user-defined Speaker Dependent (SD) triggers and 28 custom speaker independent (SI) commands, the shield has additional connectors for the microphone input, an 8 ohm speaker output, audio line-out/headphone jack, and access to the I/O pins of the EasyVR module. A programmable LED is also included to show feedback during recognition tasks.
- A 28 custom speaker independent (SI) commands (available in US English, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish, and French and more) for ready to run basic controls.
- Supports up to 32 user-defined Speaker Dependent (SD) triggers or commands (any language) as well as Voice Passwords.
- SonicNet to control one or more EasyVR 2.0s wirelesly with sound tokens generated by the module or other sound source
- DTMF tone generation
- Easy-to-use and simple Graphical User Interface to program Voice Commands to your robot.
- Module can be used with any host with an UART interface (powered at 3.3V - 5V) .
- Simple and robust serial protocol to access and program the module through the host board.
- Make your own sound tables using Sensory QuickSynthesis4 tool
- The new EasyVR GUI includes a command to process and download custom sound tables to the module (overwriting existing sound table)
- Connector for microphone input
- 8 ohm speaker output
- Headphone jack
- Access to EasyVR I/O pins
- Programmable LED to show feedback during recognition tasks
- Arduino Libraries provides