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phone 604-875-1993 Call us
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Monday - Friday | 9AM - 5:30PM |
Saturday - Sunday & Holidays | Closed | See Holiday Hours |
GP2Y0A710K0F is a distance measuring sensor unit, composed of an integrated combination of PSD (position sensitive detector) , IRED (infrared emitting diode) and signal processing circuit. The variety of the reflectivity of the object, the environmental temperature and the operating duration are not influenced easily to the distance detection because of adopting the triangulation method. This device outputs the voltage corresponding to the detection distance. So this sensor can also be used as a proximity sensor.
1. Long distance type Distance measuring range : 100 to 550 cm
2. Analog output type
3. Package size : 58×17.6×22.5 mm
4. Consumption current : Typ. 30 mA
5. Supply voltage : 4.5 to 5.5 V
1. Projector (for auto focus)
2. Robot cleaner
3. Auto-switch for illumination, etc.
4. Human body detector
5. Amusement equipment (Robot, Arcade game machine)