location_on 4131 Fraser St. Vancouver BC Get Directions
phone 604-875-1993 Call us
access_time Hours
Monday - Friday | 9AM - 5:30PM |
Saturday - Sunday & Holidays | Closed | See Holiday Hours |
Oscilloscope Functions:
Sample Rate Range: 250MSa/s(Single-channel), 125MSa/s(Dual-channel)
Waveform Interpolation: (sin x)/x
Record Length: Max. 6K for single-channel; 3K samples per dual-channel
SEC/DIV Range: 5ns/div~500s/div 1, 2, 5 sequence
A/D Converter: 8-bit resolution,each channel sampled simultaneously
VOLTS/DIV Range: 10mV/div~10V/divat input BNC
Bandwidth Limit, typical: 20MHz
Low Frequency Response (-3db): ≤10Hz at BNC
Rise Time at BNC, typical: ≤5ns
DC Gain Accuracy: ±3% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 10V/div to 10mV/div
Note: Bandwidth reduced to 6MHz when using a 1X probe.
Acquisition Modes: Normal
Type: Edge
Mode: Auto, Normal, single
Level: ±4 divisions from center of screen
Trigger Level Accuracy: 0.2div X volts/div within ±4 divisions from center of screen
Slope: Rising, Falling, Rising & Falling
Source: CH1/CH2
Coupling: DC, AC or GND
Input Impedance,DC coupled: 25pF±3 pF, 1MΩ±2%
Probe Attenuation: 1X, 10X
Supported Probe Attenuation Factors: 1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X
Maximum Input Voltage: 150VRMS
CursorVoltage difference between cursors: △V; Time difference between cursors: △T
Automatic Measurements: Frequency, Amplitude
Maximum Resolution: 4000 Counts
DMM Testing Modes: Voltage,Current,Resistance,Capacitance,Diode &On-Off
Maximum Input VoltageAC:600V, DC: 800V
Maximum Input CurrentAC: 10A, DC:10A
Input Impedance: 10MΩ
Diode: 0V~2.0V
On-Off: <50Ω
Standard Accessories:
1 x Probe
1 x Clip Probe
1 x Type Charging Cable
1x Power Adapter Multimeter
1 x Probe
NOTE: Power adapter plug is European