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Use it to turn 'on' and 'off' light switches, raise and lower legs, trigger a latch, and/or bring up the periscope. It's also perfect for stealthy remote control applications. You could always use it to make your own angry useless box as well.
This actuator accepts a servo pulse from 800 - 2200 microseconds (uS) with a neutral position of 1500 uS. The traveling nub takes about a second to move from one side of the channel to the other (2cm) at 3.7V. This actuator can run at voltages as low as 2.5V, but be aware it gets a lot slower at that voltage.
Please Note: This linear actuator runs at 3.7V so if you are using this in a standard servo application circuit you will have to drop the voltage supply from 5V down a bit to around 3.7V, with either a voltage regulator or a couple diodes in series (ex: 1N4001).
- 3.7VDC Operating voltage (do not power with 5VDC!)
- 60gm*cm (0.83 in*oz) torque at 3.7VDC
- 12mm/sec (0.47"/sec) travel speed, no load at 3.7VDC
- 150mA unloaded travelling current draw
- 450mA stalled current draw
- 29x7.3x15.7mm (1.14x0.29x0.62")
- 3.7g (0.13oz)